Unsolved problems in philosophy. 1 edition. Part 2. Philosophy of mind

Philosophy of mind

  • Mind-body problem

We don’t know what is the universe real indeed. The universe is the reflection of mind of all humanity. The universe is what we know about universe. Mind of a human is reflection of part of the universe. The universe is the nature and the culture. The culture is the expansion of the universe qualitatively. A difference between quality and quantity in the mind depends of point of view.
Human’s body is part of universe. If a mind reflect only a body, there isn’t mind-body problem. The mind-body problem is the problem between the body and the universe in the mind.

Human consciousness is the manifestation of the fundamental properties of the universe with the help of the human body. It’s like problem of induction. Not from body to universe, from universe to body. Body’s life is particular case of life of universe. We must understand “help of body” for correction consciousness.
Problem separating body and mind is about place of body in the mind. Human’s consciousness reflect all universe and the human’s body too.
As primer. Body of mirror reflect all space and the mirror too. Two opposite mirrors can reflect all space. The mind can not fully and accurately reflect, but it can do so in principle.
Uncertainty exist in every reflection too. Mistakes expand a consciousness and the universe. So for all we need a lot of iterations only two principles: symmetry and uncertainty.
Symmetry and uncertainty of what in base? Something that we don’t know. Dark energy maybe.
I think this way of thinking is very convenient and gives great intellectual power. I prove it on myself.

  • life

Goal of life is immortality. Goal of body is immortality of genome, not body himself precisely. Goal of mind is immortality of mind.
Life is immortality in stable and uncertainty world by copying with mistakes, deviations. Body and mind are different. The body adapts. The mind changes the world. So for example, our brain is adapted to finding the most probable, while we need to create the unlikely.  More about topic in “Life is a form existing” (https://vagaman.wordpress.com/2018/06/03/life-is-a-form-existing/)

  • Brain in short

The human brain probably uses all the properties of the universe and probably therefore it can recognize them. Brain is neuronal network and system of glial cells. Glial cells work different to neural network. There are theory that glial work as quantum computer. Quantum computer works as gleal cells maybe precisely. We can imagine a quantum computer because we have one in our brain.
Glial system take part in forming the neuronal net when human grow, that copying that state of universe in the mind. It’s not state of universe on birthday. This is part of the state of the universe during the formation of the neural network of the brain, that is, up to about 20 years. It’s not all. I think glial cells work in the memory system and the switching of neurons in unstable state. Net grow fast in young age and changes but slowly all life. It’s frontier of neuroscience so there are a lot of uncertainty and mistakes how that work precisely.

Rene Descartes was created by universe in same time and he was expand universe in same time. I am living in universe was created by Descartes, …. , quantum physics, neurobiology, fMRI, Internet …. I’m created by that universe and create the universe. Data create consciousness. Consciousness create data. In first was uncertainty, but long time ago. Doubt, mistakes, accident, etc expand now too. Mirror “data-mind”.
“Created by universe” means, that my mind is formed in that state of understanding real universe, by sensory data, by state of culture and technique. “create universe” means that is expanding understanding real universe, sensory data, state of culture and technique. “in short” means is not precisely with big deviation big uncertainty. In same time born different people.
The uncertainty in base is Planck’s constant from Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. In other dimensions uncertainty is different.
What is the soul? The soul of universe is the uncertainty of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. What people means about soul, I don’t know. Soul of human is neuronal network. The soul is created to the adult state. Genius create own soul all his life.
I created myself my consciousness by Internet because I haven’t money for standard education. I create my data in Internet because I haven’t money for standard way. I haven’t money because I’m living in Russia.
Maybe it’s hurtfully thinking about yourself as part of universe or “toy” of universe. But that is real. Thinking real is knowledge. Free will exist always, it’s uncertainty of world. Knowledge give energy and opportunity for free will. It is better to be with the universe than against.

  • Cognition and AI

What are the necessary components for defining consciousness? Maybe predicting on space of competence. Self-expanding space of competence for correct predicting is learning. So many people can’t do that themselves. Data of competence space is not simple question. Human mind have a lot of cognitive biases and data about human culture and behavior. I think that is not necessary components of consciousness.
Space of competence of AI is smaller than universe. And the universe is space of competence of humanity indeed. Therefore AI is not true danger of humanity.
We can create AI without cognitive biases, mood swings and hormones, and other problem of animal past.
One more thing about AI.
Consciousness is bigger and more powerful then we think now. I guess that in the understanding of consciousness there will be many more surprises. AI will help to understand what is the human indeed.

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